
Transnational Project Meeting - Sweden

TPM 1 - Sweden (Kristianstad)

The first Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) took place on the 3rd and 4th of October 2023 in Kristianstad, Sweden and involved all partner organisations representing Sweden, Ireland, Türkiye, Portugal and Denmark.

Partners delved into the intricacies of the project and discussed the upcoming activities.

Day 1: Project Outline

The focus of the first day of the TPM was to familiarise themselves with the project and their project partners. The host, B-Creative, introduced themselves and their work, followed by each project partner. They discussed the primary objectives of the project, which include promoting democracy, increasing EU awareness and combating climate change. They also defined the project's target group, consisting of Swedish, Irish, Turkish, Portuguese, and Danish youth aged 18 to 30, and outlined other key stakeholders. They concluded the day by discussing project management and logistics, including communication strategies, budget allocation, project timeline, and planned activities.

Day 2: Project Activities and Dissemination

On the second day of the meeting, they delved deeper into the project's activities, with a particular focus on the Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity (LTTA) scheduled for February in Copenhagen. They closely examined the local activities to be implemented before and immediately after the LTTA, as well as strategies to effectively engage young participants. They defined best practices for youth work, particularly in addressing climate anxiety and promoting civic engagement. They concluded the day by refining their social media dissemination strategy to reach a broader audience and engage with youth.

Learning Teaching & Training Activity - Denmark

LTTA 1 - Denmark (Copenhagen)

The first Learning Teaching & Training Activity (LTTA) took place on the XXX and XXX of XXX 202X in Copenhagen, Denmark and involved all partner organisations representing Sweden, Ireland, Türkiye, Portugal and Sweden.

Partners xxx.

Day 1: XXX


Day 2: XXX


Day 3: XXX


Day 4: XXX


Learning Teaching & Training Activity #2 - Turkey (Cappadocia)

LTTA 2 - Turkey (Cappadocia)

The first Learning Teaching & Training Activity (LTTA) took place on the XXX and XXX of XXX 202X in Copenhagen, Denmark and involved all partner organisations representing Sweden, Ireland, Türkiye, Portugal and Sweden.

Partners xxx.

Day 1: XXX


Day 2: XXX


Day 3: XXX


Day 4: XXX


Transnational Project Meeting #2 - Portugal

TPM 1 - Portugal (Lisbon)

The final Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) took place on the 3rd and 4th of October 2023 in Kristianstad, Sweden and involved all partner organisations representing Sweden, Ireland, Türkiye, Portugal and Denmark.

Partners delved into the intricacies of the project and discussed the upcoming activities.

Day 1: XXX


Day 2: XXX